
At Sheep Dip Lane Primary Academy, we passionately believe that our children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum.

The children are at the heart of our curriculum.

Please see the information below and the links on the page to find out more about our curriculum in school.  If you have any questions or would like any more information please contact school, email: or ring 01302 842464 and we will ask our Subject Leaders to contact you,

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to have a quality knowledge-rich curriculum which builds on their self-esteem and self-confidence throughout their primary years.

We encourage our children to have high aspirations and strive to be the best they can be in every subject.  We want our children to be responsible, confident and knowledgeable by the time they finish their journey at Sheep Dip Lane Academy and move onto the next phase of their lives.

Over the last three years we have been developing the curriculum  that we provide for our children.  Our main aim is to provide exciting, stimulating connected learning which the children become fully absorbed in using a themed approach, ensuring it is accessable for all, teachers link closely with our school SENDCo to ensure all needs are met and school remains fully inclusive.

‘Information about how our curriculum complies with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 can be found in our Equality and Diversity Policy in the Policies section’.

‘How we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs is outlined in our SEND Policy and information report on the Policy Page’.

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

At Sheep Dip Lane Academy, our curriculum is developed from a precise understanding of the context of which we serve. Our vision is focused on the academy in the community and vice versa.  Wherever possible we engage parents/carers, experiences through visits and visitors into our academy, in order to value our community and broaden children’s minds and knowledge.

Our intent is also focused on developing children’s aspirations through enterprise and giving them purposeful opportunities to engage their pupil voice so that the new knowledge and skills they gain connect to real life and a purpose.  Across the curriculum, experiences are founded upon our core values and organised into 3 key strands:

Identity and Social Justice

Power/ Leadership and Invasion

Sustainability/Impact on our World

The strands interweave subjects and develop sequentially to allow children to make connections and build on prior learning. Each enquiry strand is underpinned by British values to erode misconceptions about culture, faith and sexuality.  As our children acquire new knowledge and skills, teachers carefully plan to build in opportunities where children conduct personal research or field study, investigate and explore artefacts to deepen the learning. Schemes of learning plan sequences to develop children’s ability, across the curriculum, giving opportunities to justify, reason, conjecture and hypothesise. By the end of a term children present, write essays or evaluate to apply knowledge and skills gained and to connect learning to aspirations and allow teachers to assess understanding and outcomes.

Everything we do is carefully planned to be progressive and developmental, to help our children close any learning gaps, particularly for the most vulnerable. The strands develop children’s cultural capital and social, moral, spiritual development. We use high quality narrative and non-narrative texts to give children the content knowledge and vocabulary to make connections and to enable their academic and creative endeavour, through a love of reading. We also strive to ensure breadth and depth in all aspects in subjects so children become masters of their own learning, whatever their ability.   

 With the intention described above, our curriculum is designed to challenge prejudice, promote equality and engage an ownership and love of learning so that at the end of their primary years children can explain preferences and begin to establish initial ideas about career choice.

Our Curriculum Policies can be found on the Policy Page, LINK

Please see the list on this tab for more information for each of the subjects.

Curriculum Design Long Term Roadmap Cycle 1 and 2 All Subjects

SDLA Learning Characteristics Progression Document